5 Dog Body-Language Basics You Should Know About

Janet Graham, our head trainer, was recently interviewed by PetInsider.com about canine body language. One thing Janet works with her clients on in training programs is reading their dog’s body language. Dogs cannot talk so being able to read their body language can really give you a […]

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Pyramid Pan Dog Treats – The Hype is Real

Sometimes you just feel like baking. I had recently seen other web posts about these dog treats people are making using silicone baking pans. Well I got the urge to bake and I had to try it myself. My daughter enjoys making anything with me in the […]

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Ask a Trainer: “When do you allow dogs to meet on leash?”

I wrote a previous article entitled, “Why do you say not to let our dogs meet on leash?” In short, on-leash greetings are one of the fastest ways to create unwanted behaviors. That said, I am a realist, and I know that people will always be introducing dogs […]

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“He came to love it.”

“He didn’t like it.” “She didn’t like it.” These are the four words that often accompany the biggest loss of opportunity for my clients and their dogs. Similarly these same four words often signify a great loss of safety for our dogs or for people in their […]

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Ask a Trainer: “How do you teach hand targeting?”

First, what is “hand targeting?” It is a simple “trick” wherein your dog learns to tap his or her nose onto your fist or open hand. Check out our blog post on why this is such a helpful behavior. There are numerous ways to teach hand targeting. […]

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Ask a Trainer: “Why are we teaching our dogs to tap their noses on our hands?”

Our group classes at “I Said Sit!” School for Dogs, often start with a few minutes of practicing “Hand Targeting.” This looks like a simple game in which your dog taps her nose on your hand. While learning how to teach hand targeting is quite simple, we […]

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Ask a Trainer: “Why do you say not to let our dogs meet on leash?”

Ask the Trainer: “Why do you say not to let our dogs meet on leash?” Trainer: Jeb Cadwell CPDT-KA, CWIGI I discourage people from allowing their puppies or untrained dogs to meet other dogs on leash. My students commonly ask why. I’ll answer this question with an […]

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Parting Wisdom from my Mentor, Jonathan Klein

The Take Away Lesson Jonathan Klein trained thousands of dogs, and their humans, over the course of 30+ years. His recent passing has left us all very sad, yet we’re also endlessly grateful for the positive change he brought into our lives. He founded, “I Said Sit!” […]

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Brand New Trick & Fitness Day Training Programs!

Did you make a resolution this year?  While you work on your mental and physical health, don’t forget about your dog. Mental stimulation and exercise can add years to your furry companion’s life. There are all sorts of activities we can do with and teach our dog […]

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Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait To Teach Your Dog “Wait”

My dog training students often ask, “What is the difference between Stay and Wait?” It’s a good question. After all, they have the same hand signal and “Wait,” like “Stay”, is often used to keep a dog where she is when you gave the cue. When I […]

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"I Said Sit!" School for Dogs
3368 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
(310) 558-9037

(310) 558-9039 Fax


Sat. & Sun.: 9:00am - 2:00pm