National Puppy Day, celebrated on March 23rd, is a delightful occasion to shower our furry little bundles of joy with extra love and appreciation. But beyond the cuddles and playtime, it’s also a crucial reminder of the responsibility that comes with raising a puppy. The early months […]
Read more →Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting time for any family. The joy and companionship a furry friend brings are undeniable. However, the decision to bring home two puppies simultaneously, while tempting, can be a significantly more challenging endeavor than many families anticipate. The Littermate Syndrome […]
Read more →If you’re looking to add a new pup to your family, buying from a breeder can have its benefits. You can pick your specific breed, know what to expect as your puppy grows up, and have the support and experience of your breeder for the life of […]
Read more →How to Accustom Your Dog to Liking Being Hugged We all love to give our furry friends a good hug, but not all dogs are comfortable with this type of physical contact. In fact, many dogs can become anxious or stressed when they’re hugged, which can lead […]
Read more →Each year I meet dozens of clients who take off work the first couple weeks of getting their new puppy and others who work from home, or are retired, and have a schedule flexible enough to train their dog. All want their dogs to be well-behaved and […]
Read more →First, what is “hand targeting?” It is a simple “trick” wherein your dog learns to tap his or her nose onto your fist or open hand. Check out our blog post on why this is such a helpful behavior. There are numerous ways to teach hand targeting. […]
Read more →Our group classes at “I Said Sit!” School for Dogs, often start with a few minutes of practicing “Hand Targeting.” This looks like a simple game in which your dog taps her nose on your hand. While learning how to teach hand targeting is quite simple, we […]
Read more →Ask the Trainer: “Why do you say not to let our dogs meet on leash?” Trainer: Jeb Cadwell CPDT-KA, CWIGI I discourage people from allowing their puppies or untrained dogs to meet other dogs on leash. My students commonly ask why. I’ll answer this question with an […]
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